Meet Jessica Hickman, Author of her Debut Children’s Book "Alligator Seder"

This week we have been celebrating the release of Jessica Hickman's title Alligator Seder. This cute little board book is her debut book in the world of children's literature. Read through our interview with the debut author and learn about her process and why she thought alligators have Seders!
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Could You Save this Cat?

“Meow! Meow! Meow!”
Who said that?
I stood on my sister-in-law’s porch in the southern Israeli suburb of Omer, trying to find the culprit. The streets there are filled with strays—multicolored calicos, black-and-white tuxedos, even fancy longhairs—but they’d all run away when I got close. This one sounded like it was calling to me. I searched until I found it. High in a tree, overlooking a construction site next door, was a tiny, orange kitten.
“Come!” I said. “I have food.”
The kitten climbed down and raced straight to me!...
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