Before there was a set calendar for the Jewish year, the beginning of a new month would be declared by the Jewish court when the new moon emerged in the sky. To let the people know, fires would be set on hilltops.

Today, as in ancient times, the moon’s journey around the earth takes approximately 29 days. The lunar cycle, however, doesn’t start when the moon is full. The new moon that marks the beginning of the month is invisible to the human eye, filling out mid-cycle before fading away again.

Each new moon, or Rosh Chodesh (meaning head of the month), is a chance to press the reset button on our lives. Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, which falls on the first day of the month of Tishrei, is the most important Rosh Chodesh of the year, and is our greatest opportunity for a personal reset.  

In Something New for Rosh Hashanah, Becca doesn’t like to try new foods, not even the special foods cooked for Rosh Hashanah -- until she tries one giant green bean. To everyone’s delight, she likes it! Her wish for next year is the courage to try gefilte fish.  

In every life there exists a tension between the temptation to stay in one’s comfort zone and the desire to try something new. Like the moon, there are times where you may wax and wane, but you can always make yourself “new” again. You will shine bright as you grow. You always do.