What makes someone unique? Each person, kids and adult alike, has their own special talents and passions. There are those that excel at sports, play an instrument, or enjoy baking tasty treats. For Jenny, from Jumping Jenny, it’s jumping! She can jump higher and longer than anyone else in her class.

The cool thing about these skills is that we can use them as opportunities for mitvot, acts of loving kindness, to give back or raise awareness about issues our communities are facing.

A common mitzvah is to give tzedakah, money for charity, to those in need. Many Hebrew school classes have tzedakah boxes or host fundraisers. In the story, Jenny’s class organizes a mitzvah project to raise money for books to send to a school in Africa. Jenny wonders how her unique jumping abilities can help. With the help of her family and friends, Jenny plans and completes a 1000-jumps jumpathon.

Today, with so much happening in the world, is a perfect time to help others through mitzvot. We each have unique skills that can be used to help others. Some kids are helping their parents make face masks. Other families have volunteered to distribute food. Medical staff, with the support of their families, have used their skills to treat the sick.

We at Kar-Ben thank those of you who are already contributing your talents and skills to make the world better during these difficult times, and encourage everybody to continue to use your passions for good, as Jenny does, to make a difference in the world.