Posted by Kar-Ben Editors on 7/17/2018 to
“Each of these things is beautiful in its own way, and the world needs beautiful things.”
This book is set in ancient Egypt. Let me set the scene for you: a marvelous boy filled with curiosity and optimism is enamored by every single thing that catches his eye. He finds beauty in all things. This boy, Bezalel, turns out to be, with other Israelites under Egyptian rule, a slave. However, his genuine curiosity and appreciating for all things--mostly forgotten things--is refreshing. His clinging to his ‘beautiful things box’ definitely hits home.

He has found and learned to cherish his box. This box is quite important to the book's message. I’d even go as far as saying it’s the most important metaphor of the story. This box represents hope. This box represents genuine beauty in a world that feels bleak and oppressive.

The connection here is- we all have a box, even if not literally. I think it’s safe to say that everyone has felt gray at least once during their life. Which is totally okay. We need bad days to learn to love and *treasure* the beautiful. We develop a deep appreciation of the uncommon. If we never experienced difficult times, how could we possibly discover the beauty around? Maybe your “beautiful” isn’t stones, strings, and bug wings, like Bezalel, but something else that you appreciate, despite the situation surrounding you.
Your “beautiful” might seem insignificant to the world but just remember: this beauty you see and have learned to cherish is significant and valuable. You too will be chosen to build something, like Bezalel. You will inspire others to do the same. Just as long as you continue to collect and cherish beautiful things. Bezalel’s box is universal. Bezalel’s box is relatable. We need more of this in the world. Because, the world needs beautiful things.